At Cogen Energia Spain we understand the importance of transparency, within organizations, where every voice matters.

We have developed a safe space for all interested parties to report misconduct, unethical behavior or any concerns they may have without fear of retaliation.

Our whistleblower channel provides:

  • Confidentiality: Your identity is strictly confidential. We prioritize your privacy and ensure that your information is protected at all times.
  • Accessibility: We recognize the challenges of reporting misconduct within organizations. Our platform is easy to use and accessible, making it easy for you to submit your report securely.
  • Fast Action: We believe in fast action. Once your report is submitted, our team will act quickly to investigate and address the issue, ensuring a timely resolution.

How does it work?

  • Report Anonymously: Use our simple online form to submit your report anonymously. You have the option to provide as many details as you feel comfortable with.
  • Secure communication: our encrypted messaging system allows you to communicate with us securely while maintaining your anonymity.
  • Professional Support: Our team of experts is here to support you throughout the process, providing guidance and assistance as needed.
  • Positive change: Your report could generate positive changes within your organization, fostering a culture of integrity and trust.

At Cogen Energia España we believe that all voices deserve to be heard. By speaking up, you play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards and ensuring a fair and respectful workplace for everyone.

You can access instructions on how to make a report by clicking here.

Enter the whistleblower channel